Club News

Search for new manager after Dean Harrison steps down

Club statement: First Team Manager

Fisher FC can confirm that after 18 months in charge of the Fish, Dean Harrison resigned from his position of First Team Manager earlier this week. We would like to thank Dean for all his hard work in strengthening the playing squad and contributing to the life of the club.

Commenting on the resignation Chairman Ben Westmancott said, “We understand and accept Dean’s decision, and wish both him and his assistant Jason Birchall all the best for their future endeavours.”

The players have been made aware of the decision and the club are pleased to say that the core of the squad are keen to stay together and continue to move the club forward this season. After liaising with senior members of the squad, Chairman Ben Westmancott has appointed Rob Curtis and Luke Haidarovic as joint Interim Managers while the club carries out a full recruitment process. “I am encouraged by player’s response to this situation. Training sessions will continue as will the programme of pre-season friendlies.  We are all looking forward to the game against Kent Football United this Saturday with Rob in charge. He will be joined by Luke as soon as he returns from holiday.”

We are now accepting applications for the permanent role of First Team Manager. Club Secretary Ian Murphy is keen to make the process as speedy as possible, so any interested parties should email him as soon as possible using the details at the bottom of this article.

Candidates are asked to submit a brief statement highlighting the reasons behind their application and what new ideas and experience they would bring to the club, along with a Full CV and details of two references.  Candidates must have a coaching certificate, experience of coaching, and have an understanding of what makes a community club special. As an ambassador of the club you will need to have leadership skills that match the role.

Please send your details to Ian Murphy using BOTH of the addresses below as soon as possible. Closing date for applications is noon on Thursday 21 July.

Fisher FC


Photo courtesy: Dave Anderson