Club News

Curtis – Thanks to the fans, an emotional day

Interim Manager Rob Curtis has spoken of his pride leading Fisher in their first game back home, and thanked the supporters for contributing to a great atmosphere as they celebrated a 4-0 win against Farnborough OBG.

“Today’s game was a fitting start to the journey this club is on. All the hard work behind the scenes from the top down was backed up by the performance of the team on the pitch today. You could see how much it meant to the lads out there. I’d also like to give a special thanks to the fans who have stuck by us all through thick and thin and have waited a long time to see a 4-0 home win in Fisher’s favour, they deserve it!”

Speaking on the display on the pitch Curtis added “Although it was a slow start, there were a few nerves and it was a little bit erratic due to the occasion, we grew into the game well and started to impose ourselves with our ability on the ball and our discipline off of it. It felt like only a matter of time before we found the back of the net and then we found it three more times after! Which the boys deserve credit for regarding their professionalism I must say. Their attitude, character and effort was second to none.”

Having brought himself on at halftime with the Fish already 2 goals to the good, Rob popped up in the 79 minute to head home for his first goal in black and white. “Of course getting on the score sheet myself was quite emotional I must say. What an amazing feeling, especially with it being my first goal for the Fish!”

“The squad isn’t far off full strength now in my opinion and is looking like a good competitive one with a good mix of experience and youth at this level of the game. The lads are really showing how much they want to be a part of this and were over the moon with giving the club and everyone a part of it a winning start on home soil.”