Club News

Gary – Most frustrating game of the season. Fisher 1 – 3 Tunbridge Wells

After a home defeat against second-bottom Tunbridge Wells on Saturday which left the home side in 18th, Fisher boss Gary Abbott was left feeling as frustrated as the Fish faithful once again. There was a horribly familiar start to the game, with The Wells one up before the 5 minute through Tom Bryant.

“It was the most frustrating game of the season so far. They started better than us and got the first goal, but beyond that first 10 minutes we were right in there. Their goals have come from us giving the ball away or not marking at set pieces, which are things we should be getting right. We had 80% of the possession but didn’t do anywhere near well enough in either box.”

Having conceded early on Fisher found their rhythm, forcing the visiting goalkeeper Steve Lawrence into a number of good stops before Montell Agyemang finally brought the hosts level after 11 minutes. Another good crowd at St Paul’s were left disappointed as Ryan Crandley restored the lead for Tunbridge on 67, before Wells dangerman Ollie Bankole wrapped up the points with 2 minutes to play.

Abbo thinks it is plain to see why the Fish are struggling to turn performances into points – “It’s our final balls and players not arriving in the box and lack of shots, we are not making opposition goalkeepers  work hard enough. Alongside that we gave away 3 bad goals again and it’s becoming a habit. It’s up to me to change things and we will do that, if that means changing the players then so be it. We’re all in this for the same reason, it’s about winning matches and things have got to change. Unfortunately it’s looking like some players are not good enough and that’s down to me.”

The boss defended the passing football that he is still endeavoring to play – “People say we play too much but I’m not going to change the style for anyone. I’ve got the players to do that and will carry on that way; I don’t want my team to smash the ball around like a number of other teams in this league. I’ve just got to get the right players in now and work with them, I will get it right. The lads also have to change their mentality, their attitude towards games. We’re a good club and the players must take responsibility as well. We all need to get together now and look forward to Tuesday and 3 points.”

We are back at home on Tuesday evening for our first game under the lights at St Paul’s, hoping that the action of the pitch will be as impressive as the view behind the goal at the Wharf End. Kick off is 7.45pm against second in the table Cray Vallery PM.

Fisher 1 – 3 Tunbridge Wells

Fisher goals – M. Agyemang 11′
Tunbridge Wells goals – Tom Bryant 3′, Ryan Crandley 67′, Ollie Bankole 88′

Fisher starting XI – to follow
Fisher subs – to follow

Attendance – 122

Photograph © David Anderson. There are more match images on Dave’s Flickr page.