Club News

Match photos: Fisher 3-3 Holmesdale

Fisher FC 3 – 3 Holmesdale

Tuesday 12 September 2017
St Paul’s Stadium
SCEFL First Division

Daniel Bowden 36
Harry Draper 41
Paulo Facchinetti 54

James Teodorescu 37
Elliot Capel 48
Adriano Lawson 92

Attn: 82

The weather played a decisive role on Tuesday night in what turned out to be a wet and miserable evening down at St Paul’s. The Fish had the opportunity to stretch their winning streak to 5 games, but after battling against a tenacious Holmesdale side and a heavy downpour, they could only come away with a draw.

It was a faltering and uneventful first half an hour as each side sought to accustom themselves to the lashing rainfall and a greasy playing surface, and the game only really started to liven up after a couple of goals in quick succession spurred on both sides to produce a more flowing attacking style of football.

With Fisher taking a deserved lead once again just before the break they went in at half time in a comfortable if not quite commanding position. Second half Holmesdale adopted a long ball game, hitting hopeful crosses upfield as a way of combatting the increasingly slippery pitch. It wasn’t a particularly sophisticated tactic but it did allow them to get the equaliser despite some hefty Fisher pressure at the other end.

Again Fisher took the initiative and pulled together some useful looking passes, constantly testing the Holmesdale defence searching for a way to put the game beyond reach. It was probably their most productive period and saw them take the lead for the third time. A Fisher win was almost certainly on the cards until a last desperate charge by Holmesdale saw them equalise on virtually the last kick of the game.

Fisher will look at this game as two points dropped.