Club News

Community Day – Saturday 8 September

Fisher are pleased to announce our first Community Day of the season down at St Paul’s. It coincides with our SCEFL Premier Division game against Sheppey United who are sitting just three points below us in the table and always bring a healthy brace of travelling support – so it’s always a pleasure to take on the Ites.

It’s also an opportunity for us to reach out to the people of Rotherhithe and Bermondsey and put the club back into the heart of the community. Off the pitch we will be promoting two worthwhile causes – Non-League 4 Grenfell and CRY UK.

Non-League 4 Grenfell was started by a group of London non-league football fans during the aftermath of the horrendous Grenfell Tower fire in west London as way of bringing non-league fans together in support of all those affected by the tragedy and show solidarity in the pursuit of justice for those who died in the fire.

Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) is a UK charity organisation Fisher is happy to support and promote. They offer dedicated bereavement support to families after the tragedy of a young sudden cardiac death of a person aged 35 or under.

Every week in the UK at least 12 young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. Since its formation in 1995, Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) has been working to reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac death (YSCD).

Both will have stalls inside the ground at the turnstiles so make sure you stop and say hello. There will also be a tombola and cake sale to raise funds for both causes along free balloons for the kids and the welcome return of the Dockers End mascot Billy the Fish. There may also be one or two surprises on the menu from the Clubhouse.

The Dockers End Choir will be teaching people the terrace chants and nominating official match flag bearer – so if you want to be Fisher’s flag carrier be down at the Dockers End just before kick-off. Weatherwise we’re looking at a sunny 24 degrees all afternoon – perfect for football.

If you’re new to the Fish and want to come down and see what all the fuss is about Community Day is a perfect way to introduce yourself to the wonder that is Fisher FC.

If you want more information, keep updated about the day, or have any ideas what we should be doing on the day check out our Community twitter page:

Fisher Community Day – Saturday 8 September 2018

Fisher vs Sheppey United
3pm kick-off (gates open 1.30pm)
SCEFL Premier Division
Match details


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