Club News

Southwark News: ‘It was a night for warriors’ – Fisher top for the first time…

Southwark News reporting on Fisher’s rise to the top:

FISHER SENSATIONALLY went top of the SCEFL Premier Division table on Tuesday night with a 3-1 win over Canterbury City at St Paul’s.

Despite having most of the squad from last season in the First Division and one of the lowest budgets in the league, Fisher went two points above Beckenham Town in the table.

Andrew Mott put the hosts ahead in the fourth minute but the visitors were level through Rob Lawrence a half an hour in.

Mott restored Fisher’s lead six minutes later and Richie Hamill, from the penalty spot, secured the three points in the sixth minute of injury-time.

It is the first time Fisher have been top of a league table since their previous incarnation in Conference South in 2007. The Fish finished fourth that season before losing 4-2 on aggregate to Hampton & Richmond Borough in the play-off semi-finals.

Fisher boss Dean Harrison was elated after seeing his side go top with 37 points from seventeen games.

“My thoughts are that was a battling performance, it was a war out there. It wasn’t a night for football purists, it was a night for warriors,” Harrison told Kentish Football.

“I spoke to (programme editor) Ian Murphy in the week and I said, ‘has the club ever been top of the league since it reformed?’ And he said no.

“I think we’ve been reformed now for nine years, next year’s the ten-year anniversary. So that’s a lovely thing for the club and everyone who’s a part of this club and who put all the work in to keep it going. Everyone deserves that, all the supporters to the backroom.

“It means a hell of a lot, a hell of a lot to a hell of a lot of people who come and support us every week, who work hard to keep this club going.

“It’s lovely, I mean there’s a long way to go and like we say our ambitions for the season are to stay up, so every win for us is a bonus.

“We’re under no pressure, we’re enjoying it and at the minute we’re doing okay, so long may it continue.

“I don’t know if we’re title contenders. I think there’s a lot of good sides about at the moment but we’re working hard and we’re enjoying it.

“I’ve got a good team that works hard for each other, that’s all I ask them. It’s a happy dressing room, proper solid men. We don’t have any egos in there. We don’t have that problem. If anyone shows a bad attitude they’re gone, they won’t be welcomed so we’ve got a team of men in there who want to fight for each other and play for the badge.”

Fisher face K Sports in the Kent Senior Trophy this Saturday. Kick-off in Rotherhithe is 3pm.

Read the original article here:


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