Club News

Fisher board member set to run the London Marathon in reverse for charity

Fisher co-owner and board member Chris Loudon is running the London Marathan (in reverse) this Sunday – 4th October – for absolutely worthwhile charity REDRESS. If you can donate any money then the Just Giving link is below:

Needless to say everyone at Fisher wishes Chris all the best and we know our co-owners will be more than happy to help a fellow club co-owner reach his traget.

Here’s what Chris has to say in his own words:

Given the cancellation of all major marathons this year, I have decided to run ehT nohtaraM on Sunday 4 October 2020. In other words, I will run the London Marathon route in reverse, starting in the small hours of the morning and finishing at the start line in Greenwich by 8am before final preparations for the elite event get underway.

This is clearly a daft idea, and one that can only be justified by supporting a worthy cause. I am aiming to raise money for REDRESS, an international human rights organisation that represents victims of torture and related international crimes to obtain justice and reparation.

REDRESS brings legal cases on behalf of individual victims of torture and advocates for better laws to provide effective reparations. Through their victim-centred strategic litigation, REDRESS is able to have an impact beyond the individual case to address the root causes of torture and to challenge impunity.

Any donations would be very gratefully received (and will help me justify to myself why I am running the empty streets in the pitch black in the wee small hours!)

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