Club News

Match Report: Bromley U23 3-1 Fisher

Bromley U23 3-1 Fisher
Saturday 15 July 2023
Pre-season friendly

Scorer: Yousaf Mohamed (54 mins)

A high quality game against a very lively and well drilled Bromley Under 23 side saw Fisher fall to 3-1 defeat, but with some exciting and flowing football played by both sides it was a harsh scoreline on Fisher, who on another day would have been good value forĀ  draw.
Manager Ajay Ashanike again utilised Ezekiel Miller and Tyron Mbuenimo in midfield roles and they gave Fisher a good platform to allow the pace of Jospeh Koroma and trialist Errol Mundle to attack on either flank.
It was Bromley who forced the first real opening though and Sam Amedu saved well low down after good movement from the Bromley forwards. At the other end Eniye Amgbaduba forced a save from Bromley’s keeper and Koroma’s jinking run saw him upended just outside the area with the resulting free kick striking the wall.
Fisher then received a huge let off when a decent cross from the left found a free head at the back post, but the header was put wide of the post when it looked easier to score. Bromley soon made ammends though as a low cross was met at the back post with the ball forced home by a outstretched leg of sliding forward.
Seconds into the second half Bromley had doubled their lead, pouncing on some hesitancy in the Fisher back line. Fisher fought back well though and following some good passing and movementĀ  Michael Dare was fouled on the edge of the area and Yousaf Mohamed saw his free kick balloon up off the wall and drop into the net as the keeper lost his footing.
Fisher then had some good spells of possession but despite thier pushing for an equaliser, it was Bromley who scored the next goal, with some swift passing finding a free man to sweep the ball home.
Fisher battled well to find a way back into the game, with Mundle hitting the side netting when getting in down the left and Pedro De Moco seeing a shot charged down after the ball was teed up for him. With Darnelle Bailey-King and Kyron Cooper adding pace to the attack Fisher contued to press. Bailey-King saw his long range shot gathered by the keeper at the second attempt and Cooper shot powerfully from outside the area only to find the keeper’s gloves.
Despite the good build up play Fisher could not unlock the defence and a very entertaining game ended with a 3-1 win for the impressive hosts

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