Club News

Match photos: Fisher 2-1 Stansfeld

They’re still dancing up in Surrey Quays over this one. It was a spectacular performance on Monday, the sort of football we know the lads can play; fluid, skilful, confident, absolutely solid at the back, adventurous upfront, full of unstoppable energy, a joy to watch and proud to be a part of.

If you missed the game then David Anderson (Fisher’s brilliant unofficial match photographer) took some cracking shots that give a flavour of what the match was like. Two superb goals crowned 90 minutes of some of the best football Fisher have been playing in a long time. The atmosphere was electric and the boys played their hearts out it what should now mark a turning point in the team’s fortunes.

Fisher FC 2-1 Stansfeld : Monday 28 August 2017
Harry Draper
Ritchie Hamill
Harry Gamble (27)
Attn: 191

Photos courtesy of David Anderson. View all his work here:

: : Cheers for David Anderson for these, much appreciated. View all his photos here: