Club News

Meet the Team: Nic Taylor

Interview with Nic Taylor by George Bridges

“Nic Taylor woo hoo
He comes from Montserrat
He needs to wear a hat
Nic Taylor woo hoo”

That’s the chant from the Fisher choir every game and really shows how highly he is valued by the fans.

So on the back of the 3-0 win over Tooting Bec in the FA Vase, I wanted to find out a bit more about Fisher’s latest legend.

-So tell us more about the Montserrat thing…were you born there?

“No I was born in Surrey but my eligibility comes from my grand mother on my dads side she was born in Salt Spring Montserrat”.

-Did you start your footballing career in Montserrat ?”

“No I started my career at Wimbledon FC Academy after a successful trial when I was 8”.

-I’d heard a story that you played for Montserrat in a World Cup qualifier….can you tell us more about that?

“I was in the squad against curaçao but didn’t feature as I sustained an injury in the training camp. The week prior in Barbados. How ever I have two caps prior to that against Bonaire & U.S Virgin Islands in the FIFA Gold Cup keeping two clean sheets”.

-Where did you start your football career in England?

“Crystal Palace as a YTS”

-How many clubs have you played for?

“Crystal Palace , Dagenham and Redbridge, kingstonian, Sutton united, Tooting and Mitcham, Cray Wanderers, Shoreham, East Grinstead, Haywards Heath Town & Ashford United. Footballs answer to Danielle Lloyd”.

-How did you come to sign for Fisher?

“In a word Dean Harrison. I’d known him for a while we sat down and he explained the project to me and I shared his hunger to try and get this club back to where it should be”.

-How does playing for Fisher compare with your experiences at other clubs?

“It’s a great club with one of the best set of fans in non league football it’s humbling to have them cheering us home and away”.

-At present Fisher are playing at a level below our expectations, what keeps you at the club?

“The dressing room, the coaching staff and the fans. we as a playing staff have a lot to put right this season and we’re determined to be successful”.

-Your playing style, much admired by the way, is to be dominant, assertive and occasionally a bit of play acting….is this a fair comment?

“Absolutely! I’m a winner, I will do anything to win. When a game doesn’t go well it really hurts so during 90mins I try to do everything I can to get a good result for the team”.

-I might also mention your passion….how much does losing a goal hurt?

“I take it very personally, my goal is my responsibility”.

-I think Fisher hope to be challenging for promotion and having a couple of good cup runs….how realistic do you think this is?

“Absolutely, it’s a long season I believe we have the squad to go on and challenge”.

-What would be your message to the Fisher choir, the faithful followers who turn out home and away?

“Keep at it. You guys really are what makes this club special and rest assured we as players want to give you what you deserve week in week out and without sounding cliche when a game is tight you lot are our 12th man!”

-And what you work at outside football?

“I am the director of sport and a school overseeing the physical education of pupils from 4-11 years of age”.

-Do you have any hobbies or pastimes apart from football?

“Not now I’m buying my first place with my mrs she has me busy doing this and that”.

-What music is on your ipod?

“A real mix tbf from kasabian to drake its a lot better than Ashley Wrights though, the boy just listens to now64 and little mix it’s embarrassing.

-Where would you go for your favourite meal?

“Oxo tower or gauchos”

-The last film you enjoyed?

“More into series narcos, house md & banshee”

-Favourite team in the professional league?

“Arsenal even though they are a mid table club”

-And what ambitions you have after your playing career is over?

“To further develop my soccer school and expand into a new area”.

Well thanks Nic and look forward to next three points for the Fish, and a clean sheet.