Club News

Fenny’s Farewell Message

As everyone is aware, I resigned as Manager of Fisher FC before last Saturday.

I’d like to keep the reasons for my sudden departure between myself and the board.
Despite the results not being the best, we could all see how the lads were working hard to improve things and the performances warranted more points than we achieved.

My good friend AJ has now taken over and I wish him and everyone at Fisher FC the greatest of success and I’m sure the team will soon be picking up results and going in the the right direction.

During my short spell at Fisher, I have met so many lovely & decent people who I’ll always regard as good friends.
To name but a few, Paul King, Jim Maycock, Ian Murphy, Richard & Archie, Scruffy and of course Bert Kite who I am proud to call good friends and I’ll be in touch.
One day soon I’ll be over to see you all, but this time in the Fish Pond End singing away.

It’s been an absolute privilege Managing Fisher Football Club and I wish everyone the very best for the future and hope you achieve the success you so richly deserve.


My Football life has now come to an end & I have retired from the game which I have always loved but I will soon be off to pastures new where I intend to live a simple and quiet life.

I have made many friends over the the years and made a few enemies however; I bare no grudges and wish everyone well for the future.
Life is too short so enjoy every day as it’s your last.

There have been many highs and a few lows but I will forever cherish the memories that football has given me and I’d like to thank everyone who I have met along the way and wish you all a healthy and happy life.

God Bless


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