Club News

‘Most Obscure Football Shirt’ competition for Non-League Day at St Paul’s

We like a bit of football obscurism down at Fisher and nothing says WTF in the stands at St Paul’s than wearing the most bizarre team shirt you can find.

We started the competition for last season’s Non League Day where we invited fans to come along wearing the most obscure (but legitimate) football shirts they had in their wardrobe. The response was immense and so successful we thought we’d do it again this year.

The rules are simple: The person who comes down this saturday for our FA Vase game against Greenwich Borough wearing the weirdest team shirt wins a prize. So dig out all those Huddersfield Town goalkeeper shirts from yesteryear, rifle through your oblique collection of south American shirts from tiny clubs with massive histories or cold war east european clubs with unpronouncable names that no longer exist, or dare we say, in this age of mass globalisation media franchise, something stylish from China?

Your choice, the only criteria is it’s got to be someone we’ve never heard of or a shirt we’ve never seen before. Remember the terraces are our catwalk…

‘Most Obscure Football Shirt’ competition

Fisher v Greenwich Borough
Saturday 12 October 2019
3pm kick-off
FA Vase – First Round

£8 – Adults (£7 for members)
£5 – Seniors/Unwaged/Students/16-21 year olds (£4 for members)
FREE – under 16s – if accompanied by an adult, otherwise £1 (FREE for members)

Fisher Football Club
St Paul’s Sports Ground
Salter Road
London SE16 5EF
Sat Nav friendly postcode: SE16 6NT


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