Club News

Community Sponsored Walk – Saturday 6 November – Fisher to Glebe

  • If you want to sponsor the walk you can donate via PayPal here: (use the word ‘Community’ as a reference).
  • Anyone is welcome to join us on the walk – we leave St Paul’s at 9.30am and the distance is around 10 miles. We will then watch Fisher take on Glebe in a crucial SCEFL Premiership game

It’s less than a week to go until our sponsored walk to the Fisher away game against Glebe on Saturday 6th November.

The last sponsored walk we did (‘four football grounds in london’) we raised hundreds of pounds for the club, this time we wanted to raise money for local Bermondsey/Rotherhithe groups who are doing incredible work in the community. These are:

Each one is based locally in the area and is committed to providing essential support for those most in need. As a fan-owned club we understand the importance of community and supporting each other, especially during these difficult post-Covid times.

Time and Talents is an incredible group who provide ways for people to connect and share their time and talents, including a wide range of volunteering opportunities, skills-sharing, and opportunities to socialise. “We want to connect neighbours close and far, to reduce isolation and build a supportive, resilient community”.
Lions Food Hub was set up by Millwall Supporters’ Club, Millwall Lionesses and Millwall Community Trust ambassador Kelly and is based in the Rennie and Manor Tenants Hall in Galleywall Road, South East London, with the aim to privde essential provisions for the local community during this difficult time. We at Fisher are proud to contribute to this.
Proper Blokes Club was started by Scott, a local Bermondsey lad, has been doing a great job in breaking the stigma behind mens mental health by getting men walking and talking. The walking club has grown as more and more men reach out to each other for positive support.

If you wish to sponsor the walk you can donate via PayPal use Community as a reference.

The walk itself will start at 9.30am from St Paul’s and will take us to Glebe’s football ground in Chislehurst (postcode: BR7 6SD) – around 10 miles walking distance. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us. Find out more at our community day this saturday October 30th [vs Deal Town] or keep your eye on our Community twitter feed:

After the walk it’s:

Glebe v Fisher
Saturday 6 November 2021
3pm kick-off
SCEFL Premier Divison

Foxbury Avenue
Off Perry Street
Greater London BR7 6SD

View with google maps

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