Risk Assessment at St Paul’s Stadium UPDATE
Fisher Football Club have worked with Millwall Community Trust to pave the way for a return to football being played by Fisher at the St Pauls Stadium. We have produced a risk assessment for football activity by the club which is in line with the community trust’s own risk assessment for the use of St Pauls. Both these documents can be found below. All players, coaches, members, supporters and visiting teams and officials are encouraged to read these risk assessments.
COVID-19 has presented many challenges for playing and watching football. As of August 1st non-competition matches may be played but these are strictly ‘behind closed doors’ with only essential personnel present. We await government approval for the return of spectators and whilst our current risk assessment details plans for the use of St Paul’s upon this return these procedures could be subject to further change.
Please read the two documents attached which will give full details of our current position going into the new season.